Rora Realm
4 min readJun 5, 2022


As it would seem, our rocket ship had a little too much jet fuel for take off! With the innovations that we have brought to the Aurora Chain, we ran into some minor inconveniences during our launch.

When you are looking to innovate upon a new realm, you occasionally break things. The earlier that you are, the more likely it is that you test technology to its very limits and see how far you can go with it.

That’s exactly what happened to us at Rora.

Upon preparation for our launch we took every precaution necessary:

  1. Pulled from successful and tested projects we had seen in the space, tweaking each concept a bit to make it our own.

2. Had the code looked at by several developers within the space, from multiple blockchains.

3. Tested the token several times during test net.

4. Took the advice from our developer peers and created several different variations of the token contract to make improvements until we got it just right, optimizing the code in every way that we could.

Everything was pointing towards a smooth launch, or so we thought.

Not to worry! Everything has been fixed, but it was not without its initial obstacles.


The First buys of $RORA appearing as sales

Upon the initial launch of the token, Dexscreener was glitching. We initially decided to pair the $RORA with $AURORA as an LP token, since it is Rora’s mission to be the Guardian of Aurora, it only made sense right? As a team we also wanted to contribute to the Aurora token since we are native to the Aurora Chain.

For whatever reason, creating the RORA-AURORA LP pairing lead to all the buys on dexscreener appearing as sales early on, which caused immense confusion within the community.

We have since moved the liquidity of $RORA to be paired with USDC in a RORA-USDC LP and it has fixed this issue.


Within seconds of deploying the $RORA token into the cryptoverse, we had been faced with our first major issue. The token was not sellable! This instantly left our team scrambling trying to figure out a solution. We reached out to every developer we could find, on the Aurora Chain and beyond to ask them to double check our code to see if they found an error we had somehow missed.

Everyone we spoke to said the same thing:

“There is absolutely nothing wrong.”

In most cases that is a great thing to hear, but in our case it was defeating.. This lead us to reach out to the Trisolaris team, who were gracious enough to lend us a hand. After brainstorming we realized that as of right now, Trisolaris does not support tokens with reflection based tokenomics, aka “tax” tokens. However, it was able to process the token purchases, but not the token sales.

After some tinkering, we were able to make some modifications to the $RORA contract. We have temporarily shut off the tax from the sales features, and bumped up the tax on the token purchases to 7% to make up for it. By doing this it made $RORA sellable again and we could proceed with the rocket launch!

Trisolaris has also agreed to work on making it so that reflection tokens can be sold on their exchange. We must have some patience, as they have a lot going on at the moment.

Despite these obstacles, as a community we managed to accomplish a few things:

  1. We’ve gone trending on Dextools twice, during our initial launch and after the token was fixed!

2. We are the first ever tax/reflection token on the Aurora Chain.

3. As a team, we displayed our long term commitment to Rora and our fellow Guardians. We were given the opportunity to make the necessary changes to the token contract and the liquidity pools, contacting several different teams within the space to do everything we could to deliver for our fellow Guardians.

4. As a community, we showed resilience. The Guardians were more than understanding of the situation as we updated them, showing us that they have trust and faith in Rora’s vision and what we are all building together.

In the grand scheme of things, this event will be a symbol of the first time the early Guardians came together to show resiliency. Setting the tone for the legendary community that we are going to build.

Now that this is all behind us, I expect to see you on our next mission!

Over and out!

- The Rora Guardian Council.

